Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you will find the info about our adventures fun and useful! This page is meant to be an overview of fun things within Utah that we have actually tried. I try to include links to websites for each place if possible and I include any information I think is relevant. Hopefully this will give you some fun ideas of places to go and things to see in Utah. Feel free to use the list on the left to narrow your search by category. I update my blog regularly with new adventures and ideas for fun, so check back often!

Monday, September 29, 2014

BYU South Campus Trail

This isn't an "official" Provo trail, but it's a great if you are looking for somewhere beautiful, quiet, and kid friendly to explore. The trail begins on the southwest side of BYU campus near the tennis courts on 800 N. It follows a little stream down and across the south side of campus for probably 1/2 a mile.

Many of the plants and trees are labeled with names, so it would be fun for an educational nature outing for older children. 

The stream has several little waterfalls that add to the beauty. 

Sam kept trying to throw the decorative rocks into the water and it was hard to help him understand that those rocks were not for throwing. At the bottom end of the trail, we found some big rocks that were great for sitting on. We took off our shoes and stuck our feet in the water and he found some normal rocks to throw.

This trail would be great for a relaxed family home evening. I've seen many people create "boats" from leaves and sticks and "race" them down the stream, which looks like a bunch of fun. I could see Sam really enjoying that when he's a little older. 

The trail also has several benches and table areas that would be great for picnicking. 

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